“He was present when the foundation of the world was laid.
He is the author and finisher of our soul.
He is ‘the word’ that was, that is and that will be.
For God so love the world that he sent his only begotten son
‘The word’,
That whosoever believes in him ‘the word’ will not perish but have eternal life.
‘The word’ shines in darkness and when God spoke ‘the word’,
Let there be light; there was light and darkness comprehended it not.
In the beginning was
‘The word’
And ‘the word’ was with God,
And ‘the word’ was GOD (John 1:1).
The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us
To feel what we feel,
See what we see,
Do all that we do except sin because ‘the word’ was without blemish.
There was a need for God and men to reconcile, so there was no other way than the way of ‘the word’ that was when God gave man the breath of life.
‘The word’ was the way, the only way!
‘The word’ became the lamb for the forgiveness of our sins. Even without sin, He took our place and died so that you and I may live.
Forty stripes he took for our healing,
He carried the cross to wipe away our shame, guilt and sin. On the way to Calvary, even in pain he prayed for you and me.
3 nails and a spear in his body, he took for us.
The prince of peace with a shinning crown wore a crown of thorns for our forgiveness.
If only they knew he was the word that was, that is and that would be, they wouldn't have crucified JESUS.
On the cross, he paid the price for the forgiveness of our sins.
1 life, he gave for all and he said it is finished!
On the third day he rose again having paid for our sins with his own dear life.
Excerpt From: Obareti, Kelvin. “Emotions and Belief.” Lulu.com, 2013-02-24. iBooks.
This material is protected by copyright.
He is the author and finisher of our soul.
He is ‘the word’ that was, that is and that will be.
For God so love the world that he sent his only begotten son
‘The word’,
That whosoever believes in him ‘the word’ will not perish but have eternal life.
‘The word’ shines in darkness and when God spoke ‘the word’,
Let there be light; there was light and darkness comprehended it not.
In the beginning was
‘The word’
And ‘the word’ was with God,
And ‘the word’ was GOD (John 1:1).
The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us
To feel what we feel,
See what we see,
Do all that we do except sin because ‘the word’ was without blemish.

‘The word’ was the way, the only way!
‘The word’ became the lamb for the forgiveness of our sins. Even without sin, He took our place and died so that you and I may live.
Forty stripes he took for our healing,
He carried the cross to wipe away our shame, guilt and sin. On the way to Calvary, even in pain he prayed for you and me.
3 nails and a spear in his body, he took for us.
The prince of peace with a shinning crown wore a crown of thorns for our forgiveness.
If only they knew he was the word that was, that is and that would be, they wouldn't have crucified JESUS.
On the cross, he paid the price for the forgiveness of our sins.
1 life, he gave for all and he said it is finished!
On the third day he rose again having paid for our sins with his own dear life.
Excerpt From: Obareti, Kelvin. “Emotions and Belief.” Lulu.com, 2013-02-24. iBooks.
This material is protected by copyright.
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