Tuesday 26 November 2013

Spotlight- Poem (Light, Camera, Action)

What are you playing at pretending you are alright,
holding on to a broken arrow that simply won't fly,
telling lies, putting on a smile to make it seem things are fine?

The make up cover the flaws, you are right.
Others fall for the fake smile but I stand!
I stand upright observing the cracks in your foundation.

You post uplifting status but your head is down,
You tweet like you are 'saved' but deep down you are lost.
You act like life is perfect but I see through you, secretly praying for the pain to go away.

These things make me want to ask who you really are.

Who are you behind the spotlight,
without the fitted clothes,
makeup, and heels that makes you tall?

Who are you without your virtual friends,
behind your close friends,
your family and everyone you can't live without?

Who are you when the music goes off,
when you get sober from the alcohol,
when the curtains are drawn, and when the light goes off?

Who are YOU behind the spotlight?

Sunday 10 November 2013

Ying Yang ( 2 sides of a love story)

You are the only rose in his garden,
The most beautiful one he's seen.
You stand out so bright,
Very pleasing to look at.
Many roses might spring forth,
But you will remain the fairest and brightest of them all.
He will water you with love and affection,
To make sure you don’t wither away.
Time have passed,
The day, replaced by night.
The ‘you’ she fell in love with is no more,
That ‘you’ is dead and gone.
The beautiful flower that was watered has withered,
Your evil ways destabilised her heartbeat.
The spring of emotions has dried up,
Her heart no longer beats for you.

Rememberance Day Poem (Heroes)

“On the roads they walked lies their dead body.
For the peace they fought for, their blood was shed.
The pain and agony they went through,
The touchy sacrifice,
The loneliness,
The shame and the persistence of our heroes yielded us victory.
The words they spoke,
The fight they fought,
The peace they sought and the precious life they lived
Speaks for them,
Even when the agony of death had shut their mouth at the going down of the sun
In the morning we shall remember these ones
And pray for their souls,
For they are our heroes
Through which the liberty of mankind was established.”

Excerpt From: Obareti, Kelvin. “Emotions and Belief.” Lulu.com, 2013-02-24. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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